Woodmillet, American millet or Milium effusum

Woodmillet, American millet

Dry, Moist

Light Requirements: Partial Shade, Shade

Soil Requirements: Clay, Sand, Loam, Humus Enriched (forest floor)

broadening into a graceful branching head of tiny flowers, borne on hair-thin stems.

Tufted, shortly rhizomatous perennial; culms 45-180cm high, usually erect. Leaf-blades flat, 10-30cm long, 5-15mm wide, glabrous. Panicle ovate or pyramidal, 10-40cm long, very lax and up to 20 cm wide, the branches in groups of up to 6, flexuous, spreading or deflexed. Spikelets 3-4mm long, pale green, rarely purple; glumes ovate to ovate-elliptic, membranous with hyaline margins; lemma slightly shorter than the glumes or as long as them.

Fl. & Fr. Per.: July-August.

Type locality: Europe.

Distribution: Pakistan (Punjab, N.W.F.P. & Kashmir); Europe, temperate Asia and North America.

Wood Millet is common in mesophytic forests, especially in Kashmir. 2000-4000m.

Bowles’ Golden Grass or Milium effusum ‘Aureum’

This cultivar of woodmillet is known for its delicate and shiny green leaves. It has an huge ornamental value especially in fall . It then provides birds with food in times most needed.  Bowles Golden grass will grow even on shady places and delights the wintergarden with its lime-green leaves.



(1)   James K. Lindsey, Creative Commons License 2.5 US-amerikanisch Unported