Brussels sprouts
Source: 1 Aquarel made by Else Bostelmann for National Geographic 1944. The print is expanded and corrected .Â
Brussels sprouts Lees verder »
firebug or Pyrrhocoris apterus
The fire bug is a brightly red colored 1 forest bug or red-legged shield bug or Pentatoma rufipes 2 Italian striped bug or minstrel bug or Graphosoma lineatum 3 assassin bug or Rhinocoris iracundus 4 syromaster marginatus 5 rape bug, the crucifer shield bug, the cabbage bug or the brassica bug or . 6 Firebug or Pyrrhocoris apterus 7European Tortoise Bug or Eurygaster maura 8 Black Garden Ant or Lasius niger and green aphids or Aphidoidea 12 Chorosoma schillingi 9
firebug or Pyrrhocoris apterus Lees verder »
black cockroach or Blatta orientalis
black cockroach Leitfaden der Zoologie für höhere Lehranstalten. 1. Teil Wirbeltiere Marvels of Insect Life, by E. Step, (Volumes I & II), 1915, McBride, Nast & Co
black cockroach or Blatta orientalis Lees verder »
 red-banded sand wasp or Ammophila sabulosa
the red-banded sand wasp The sandwesp is a common wasp in North-Europe. They live solitary, and have a striking, easy to recognize appearance: a orange band around a very long “waist” of two segments. These wasps are famous for there beheavior (brood parasitism and mass provision) and are remarkable for there good memory. Mass provisioning The
 red-banded sand wasp or Ammophila sabulosa Lees verder »
green woodpecker
European green woodpecker This is an easy to recognize European bird : it is mostly green colored with  a red crown and nape. yellow-green bird is the largest woodpecker The belly is light yellow. Green woodpeckers are often found in pairs or family groups. bird song or call The call of the green woodpecker  is more often heard than seen, betraying
green woodpecker Lees verder »