Mexican Morning Glory
This is a vast growing annual twining liana , that produces an enormeous amount of flowers. Those flowers have a short live, mostly only one day. But the Morning Glory produces them daily, along the 4 meter long long vines. The flowering season is during the whole summer.
Morning glory In the garden
There are hundreds beautiful cultivars. They usually come in shades of blue, violet, or purple. Morning glories cross-pollinate, so the colors will fluctuate. The Morning Glory does a good job in covering ugly walls, fences and small buildings.

Growing Mexican Morning glory
The Mexican Morning Glory needs as much sun as possible. They are tolerant to drought. The soil must not be to fertile , otherwise the plant wil produce ranks and instead of flowers.

Attracting insects and hummingbirds
Morning Glories attracts an array of garden insects , like butterflies, bumblebees, honeybees and sometimes hummingbirds as well. In Mexico they are polluted by bats. The flowers have a distinct fragrance.

Mexican Morning Glories seeds
Morning Glories are capable of self seeding, producing enough new plants every year to renew completely. The seeds have a hard seed coat which delays germination until late spring. Germination may be fastened by pre-soaking the seeds in warm water, but remenber that Ipomoea tricolor is very sensitiv for cold temperatures.
psychedalic and entheogen substances
The seeds of the Mexican Morning Glory produce a light psychadelic effect. These seeds are used to experience a spirital feeling ( entheogen) : the seeds contain some substances that facilitate those spirital awareness, although very little is known which substance contributes to the most important effect. Especially the seeds of ‘Heavenly Blue Morning Glory’, a cultivar of Ipomoea tricolor and the beach Moonflower (I. violacea) , is known for its stark spirital effects. (2)

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