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European smelt

smelt         1 European smelt 2 Carianthus orange    Carianthus membranaceus 6  Actinea cari 4 Calliactis parasitica 5 Dardanus calidus (hermit crab) 3 beadlet anemone 6 hermit crab 7 Aulactinia verrucosa                   Russian ice fishing for smelt Ice fishing is very popular in Russia. Its is done on […]

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Herring FRTs Herring communicate with each other by forcibly expelling gas from the anal area, producing bubbles and a high-pitched sound. The researchers call this sound production an FRT (Fast Repetitive Tick). They did have another word in mind when they created the term, however. Both the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) and the Pacific herring

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Atlantic cod or Gadus morhua

Atlantic cod Atlantic cod used to be  the most important commercial fish species in the Atlantic ocean.  Large traditional fisheries dates back many centuries and have been an important basis for many coastal communities along the coast of Northern Europe and North America’s eastern coast.  Atlantic cod lives in the colder waters and deeper sea regions throughout

Atlantic cod or Gadus morhua Lees verder »

Woodmillet, American millet or Milium effusum

Woodmillet, American millet Dry, Moist Light Requirements: Partial Shade, Shade Soil Requirements: Clay, Sand, Loam, Humus Enriched (forest floor) broadening into a graceful branching head of tiny flowers, borne on hair-thin stems. Tufted, shortly rhizomatous perennial; culms 45-180cm high, usually erect. Leaf-blades flat, 10-30cm long, 5-15mm wide, glabrous. Panicle ovate or pyramidal, 10-40cm long, very lax and

Woodmillet, American millet or Milium effusum Lees verder »

herfstaster of Aster novea-angliae of Symphyotrichum novae-angliae

Herfstaster De herfstaster (Aster novi-belgii) is een meerderjarige kruidachtige plant. Deze plant stamt uit de VS en is in 1710 naar Europa gebracht . Daar is deze tuinplant  snel verwilderd zodat de herfstaster tegenwoordig ook in natuurgebieden voorkomt. Er zijn tegenwoordig vele cultivars , welke met elkaar gemeen hebben dat ze weinig eisen aan de

herfstaster of Aster novea-angliae of Symphyotrichum novae-angliae Lees verder »

poison ivy

’s apparent from watching honey bees that they enjoy a tasty snack of poison ivy nectar. Having observed this, a reader asked “Is there such a thing as poison ivy honey?” I vaguely remember references to poison ivy honey from way back, but I couldn’t remember the details. According to Honey Plants of North America (Lovell 1926),

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sedum   There are many varieties of sedum, or stonecrop,  but this variety of fall sedum which flowers in my garden in late August through September, and sometimes until the snow flies, is my favourite. All of the pollinators love it, and on a warm fall day they are jostling for position on the  tiny star

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